There are various ways to make a felted bag. This is my favorite way!

1. This purse is made in an envelope style. I cut wool batting into a long rectangular shape a little larger than I want the purse to be. This allows for shrinkage.
2. I place the batting on a piece of 2 or 3 inch stiff foam large enough to work on the project.
3. Layers of wool roving, yarn and pieces of pre-felt are placed on top of the batting. I make and cut the pre-felts into shapes ahead of time.

5. Using a 100-needle felting tool, I felt the wool, yarn and batting into one piece of fabric.

6. More wool is added to the inside of the purse and needle felted with the large felting tool.
7. I make one or more pockets and needle felt them into place with my 9-needle tool.
The purse is shaped, has pockets and is ready to wet felt to give the purse strength.

10. Wet Felting/Fulling
Hot water, a textured surface, soap (My favorite is the Original Dawn dishwashing soap.) and lots of rubbing, squeezing, throwing and re-shaping shrinks the purse and makes it sturdy.